
Don’t be a Boarding Area Jerk

We’ve all experienced the boarding area jerk at the airport and hopefully you won’t be that asshole. Let’s all be civilized adults here and act like you’ve traveled before.



We’ve all experienced the boarding area jerk at the airport and hopefully you won’t be that asshole.   You know the douche that is talking loudly on their phone or arguing with the poor airline staff, don’t be the cause of other people’s stress.   Let’s all be civilized adults here and act like you’ve traveled before.

Don’t be a jerk in the boarding area by avoiding these common dick moves.


Don’t put feet up

I get it, traveling is tiring and you are exhausted but do you have to put your feet all over the seats around you? No, stop invading other people’s personal space with your big old Fred Flintstone toes. Unless you have a medical condition where you need your foot elevated, keep it down on the floor where it belongs.


Stop saving all the seats

Ok, we’ve all seen this jerk. The boarding area only has a certain number of seats, never enough for everyone, so stop hogging seats with your luggage. Stack your luggage up on the floor and let me sit down. I can understand keeping your carry on close because it has your valuable, but that big roller bag doesn’t need a chair.


Power Outlet Hog

This jerk doesn’t need to charge all their electronics at once. If there are multiple power outlets next to you, don’t be greedy and only use one outlet. Maybe plan ahead their power hog and bring your own power strip next time if you really must charge your two phones, IPad and laptop at the same time.


Stop eating stinky food there

They have restaurants in the airport for a reason, to eat food there. Can we all stop eating stinky ass food in the waiting area and for heaven’s sake keep it off the airplane.   I ’m tired of smelling some tuna sandwich being chomped on behind my seat in the boarding area, eat at the restaurant you bought the food from, geez. People treat the boarding area like it’s their living room, it’s not so act right.


Stop crowding the gate

The worst possible people crowd the gate before their flight. These jerks are all usually a late boarding group so they are trying to jump the line. No Cuts, No Butts and definitely No Coconuts. Please be an adult and wait for your group to be called before crowding the tiny boarding area.


Leave the airline employees alone

It’s not the gate attendant’s fault that the plane is delayed, so leave the poor employee alone. Customer service is a thankless job that never gets paid enough, so give them a break. We’ve all see the asshole yelling at them when they can do absolutely nothing about it. Traveling can suck; so don’t make it worse by being a jerk.


Keep quiet on your phone

This jerk needs to learn how to use their inside voice. We all get it; you are some important hotshot businessperson who is making a douche call, but can’t you use a quieter voice. Learn how to be respectful of people around you or be hated by all.


Let’s all try and be better, more considerate people while traveling.

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