
The Most Inappropriate Comic Book Characters Ever

      The list of our favorite superheros continues to grow as we see more on-screen adaptations of comic book characters. For every main character though, there are also tons of sidekicks and B-story rejects that never had any positive reviews. The erasure of a lot of the characters from the 1940’s to the present is for good reason too. Some of the ideas creators had were just too racist, misogynist, and horribly insensitive to gain any type of following. 

      The decade and the social issues of the time certainly had an influence on the creative mishaps evident in the comic world. But this social ineptitude is not an excuse and shows us just how far these characters went. Here is just a small number of examples of the really bad ideas for comic book characters. We hope these will serve as examples to stay away from when trying to remain culturally relevant. 



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