
The Unexpectedly Amusing Photos Taken At The Gym

     Depending on your gym, you’re largely going to see a lot of muscled beasts or dozing-off elderly. Both of these places, though, are also composed of the population that seeks to maintain some fitness but aren’t willing to commit to a super healthy or dismally lazy lifestyle. Regardless of gym diversity, all people make mistakes. Particularly in the context of working out, people may eat poorly or over-exert themselves. And then there are those who think they’re making wise decisions, while in reality, are making awful life judgments. Every now and then, some of those bad choices are caught on camera and spread on the internet. Thankfully for us, a lot of them are just downright funny. 

     Before we poke too much fun at these gym-goers, we do have to give them some high fives. They travel to a very public space to train their minds and bodies. But again, sometimes their mistakes get in the way of their “professionalism.” And yet, some of these decisions get in the way of progress, and for that, we are thankful.



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