The Truth Behind Britain’s Mysterious Sand Circles

  Do you remember crop circles? They seemed very common in the 90s. Those elaborate and massive designs that… someone… was putting in corn fields around the world. What were they? Who was making them? And while they hardly ever happen anymore, we never got answers to those questions. Maybe it was just some clever and artistic pranksters. Or maybe it was… you know what. And now, we may have found ourselves in a similar situation.


     On various beaches across Britain, some strange and gigantic designs have been popping up in the sand. And it has a lot of people asking the same questions they were asking when crop circles were more common. Who’s making these designs in the sand? What’s their purpose? And how on Earth are they made? Thankfully we now know the answer to those questions. Read through this article to learn the truth behind these breathtaking displays. 



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