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35 of the World’s Crazy Rich… Pastors

It’s one thing to spread the gospel, spiritually lead congregations of believers, and another to, well, make good money out of solidifying faith. Pastors, in essence, are those getting the best of both worlds as part of the job title. Uncannily, you would rarely hear discussions about their salaries. Although it’s a hushed and somewhat awkward topic to spark, a dash of lavishness is enjoyed by some of those who have this profession.


Depending on factors such as education, years of experience, and skills, some pastors are compensated by the churches they serve in extravagant rates, causing their wealth to skyrocket. From hundreds of thousands to more than $700 million in net worth, compiled and ranked in the following pages are the richest pastors in the world. Who knew God was being subtle with his favorites?



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How To Stay In Great Health When Traveling For Business




10 Steps to Improve Your Business Plan

Traveling for business is so much more convenient than in the past. There are direct flights almost everywhere along with the ability to stay entertained on a flight. Staying in great health during trips has been a challenge for those that travel regularly for business. Getting into a healthy routine might seem tough but it is more than possible when you make it a focus. The truth is that you likely have a good amount of time free when traveling. You need to put an emphasis on both your mental and physical health. The lifestyle you live traveling will follow you home so get into a routine you can carry over to your home life. The following are tips to stay in great health while traveling for business. 

Choose Healthy Meal Options 

Healthy meal options are widely available on food delivery apps. You no longer have to resort to fast food or pizza like a number of business professionals in the past. Take the time to see if the foods a city is known for live up to all of the hype. Some will be incredible while others will disappoint but at least you can say you tried the meal in the first place. Take the time to enjoy various cuisines but avoid establishments that might lead to an upset stomach for you. 

Hit That Hotel Gym/Go To A Chain Gym

Exercising when on the road can present some challenges that you can easily overcome. Bringing something like a portable tennis ball machine can allow you to hit around without a partner. Getting creative can be so important when trying to get into shape when constantly traveling. Luckily, there are so many options for chain gyms that you can visit a few times for free while in town. Plan your workouts after you see what type of gym your hotel offers. 

Make sure you pack your workout clothes, so you can have an effective workout without having to buy new clothes or workout in uncomfortable clothes not meant for working out. Check out the Best workout clothes for women in preparation for your trip.

Schedule Time For Yourself To Relax

Scheduling personal relaxation time during a business trip can be important. Even if this is just heading to a restaurant you wanted to try for a quick lunch. Certain cities have far more in terms of entertainment than others. Simply heading to bed early can be an option as coming home from a business trip caught up on sleep would be a foreign concept for a number of professionals. Client entertainment can be enjoyable but is in no way relaxing as you still have to keep your company represented in a positive way. 

Take Vitamins Daily

You need to keep your immune system as strong as you can. Traveling might not allow you to eat as balanced of a diet as you would like. Taking vitamins and other nutritional supplements can help fill in those missing nutrients you need to stay healthy. There are plenty of vitamins so you have to find those that align with your goals and what you need. 

Traveling for work frequently can be an opportunity to get extremely healthy. Do not allow your job to have a negative impact on your health when your health is fully under your control.

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How Safe Are Modern Construction Sites?




How Safe Are Modern Construction Sites?

Decades ago, construction sites were extraordinarily dangerous and construction workers took risks just by being on a jobsite. Thankfully, we’ve seen some major improvements to construction site technology and best practices for workplace safety.

But just how safe are modern construction sites for workers?

The Importance of Construction Safety

Let’s start by talking about the importance of construction area safety. Depending on the construction area, workers can be exposed to a number of dangerous conditions. They may be forced to work with dangerous materials, such as hot asphalt, or may need to put themselves in dangerous positions, such as climbing to great heights. Falling debris, lost balance, misused and mishandled materials, and more can lead to devastating injuries.

No matter how safe a worksite is, construction accidents can and do happen. Even in perfect circumstances, freak accidents and unusual activities (such as abnormal weather conditions or unseen trespassers) can lead to an accident.

With that in mind, we can establish that no construction site is ever truly, perfectly safe – so construction workers and supervisors must always be on guard.

New Tools, Technologies, and Trends

Thankfully, new tools, technologies, and trends have reshaped the modern construction site.

These are just a few examples:

  • Digital information and processes. Historically, construction workers have relied on paper manuals and temporary instruction to learn proper safety procedures and follow operational directives. But thanks to the onset of digital technology, it’s easier than ever for supervisors and project leads to condense and distribute information, workflows, and processes. At any time, employees can get access to instructions and safety guidelines – so there’s no excuse for not following them exactly.
  • Wearable devices. Wearable IoT devices have also transformed the construction industry. Now, thanks to precise tracking and data analytics, construction workers can get automatic notifications when they’re entering an actively dangerous area – or get warnings to wear certain types of protective equipment. In the future, these wearable devices will become even more sophisticated, taking precise measurements and issuing alerts for a wide variety of potential events.
  • AI and automation. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have also meaningfully improved the safety of the average construction site. Some manual tasks have been completed automated with the help of advanced software and robotics; when humans are removed from the equation entirely, there’s virtually no health or safety risk. Additionally, AI has been deployed to practice better data analytics, making recommendations and predictions so that construction sites can operate more smoothly.
  • Drones. Even if you’re not afraid of heights, you might shudder at the thought of climbing up to the top of the skyscraper to complete construction on it. While we still need human workers to climb up high and take care of certain construction objectives, the addition of drones has minimized this need. Drones, with effective human piloting and advanced photography capabilities, are capable of scoping out even the highest places without putting any human beings in danger.
  • Streamlined training. Better education and training can make any workplace safer. Now that we live in an era with constant internet access and convenient mobile devices, construction companies have access to much more advanced forms of education and training. In a matter of days, new employees can be brought up to speed, and supervisors can automatically track and monitor the progress of their subordinates.
  • Data analytics. Finally, advanced data analytics technology makes it easier for leaders in the workplace to evaluate potential safety concerns and work proactively to address them. They can monitor foot traffic to and from areas, look into potential safety red flags, and more.

Construction sites also benefit from the fact that more businesses are taking workplace safety more seriously than ever before. We live in an era where health and safety are high priorities, such that the culture on construction sites has changed for the better.

The Caveats

There are a few caveats to this assertion, however.

  • The job site. Different job sites have different levels of risk. Depending on the height of the job, the materials being used, and the nature of the work, employees are going to face varying levels of danger.
  • Culture. It’s the norm for construction companies to take safety seriously, but there are also occasional deviations from this trend. If your workplace culture isn’t on point, safety may become a bigger concern.
  • Unforeseen variables. No matter how careful you are, there are unforeseeable variables that can affect the safety and security of your jobsite.

Overall, it’s clear that construction sites are safer than they’ve ever been in the past. And despite the occasional accident, most construction workers don’t have to worry about getting hurt as long as they follow proper procedures. In the future, better technology has the potential to make construction sites even safer than we know them today.

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Thai Government Wants Tourists to Wear Digital Wristbands



Tourists will be required to wear digital wristbands in Thailand. This will enable the Thai government to easily track their health status while touring the said Southeast Asian country.

To sever possible COVID-19 transmission, Thailand plans to require would-be tourists to wear digital wristbands while staying in the country. This mandate will allow the government to track their whereabouts including their health as they visit Thailand’s different traveler destinations.

Last month, the said Southeast Asian nation opened its borders to a group of Chinese visitors—the first ever arrival since April when Thailand halted inbound travels to control COVID-19 transmission. The country has been doing quite well in the battle against the novel coronavirus. Hence, it has been reluctant to reopen its doors to visitors wanting to explore its various tourist spots.

The recent October group of Shanghai tourists were automatically required to undergo a 14-day quarantine period, especially since they planned to stay within the country for a month. They were also relegated to a government-accredited hotel.

Nevertheless, aside from the automatic quarantine period, recent Thailand updates assert that the nation now plans to mandate all approved, incoming tourists to wear digital wristbands, “Smart Bands” as they are called. These devices will help the government track the tourists, particularly their health, as they visit the different places within the country.

The said digital device measures the body temperature of the wearer which will, then, notify nearby health centers. Tourists who wear digital wristbands will also be able to ask for help should they ever get lost while touring the country.

Not all would-be visitors will be able to enter Thailand, however. At present, only visitors from low-risk areas will be given a Special Tourist Visa. This visa can be obtained by paying 2,000 Baht ($64.25).

Additionally, a would-be tourist needs to have a “fit-to-fly certificate” from a certified doctor, a negative PCR COVID-19 test result, and a health insurance policy of at least $100,000 that will cover COVID-19 treatment within the country.

If you plan to travel to Thailand, you must be able to secure these requirements before buying your ticket. See to it that you will be coming from a country that is enlisted as a low-risk area by the Thailand government. You should also obtain the necessary “fit-to-fly certificate” from your doctor, have a negative PCR COVID-19 test at least 72 hours before your flight, and an insurance policy of the above-stated amount before you can apply for the said Special Tourist Visa.

As of writing, Thailand has only less than 4,000 total COVID-19 cases, a far cry from the overall COVID-19 cases worldwide that has already reached more than 46 million. Hence, the Thai government strictly monitors tourists who are allowed to enter their borders. The planned mandate to require tourists to wear digital wristbands while staying in the country will greatly help control possible COVID-19 transmission which may be brought on by the gradual reopening of its borders.

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